In 2012, co-founder Hamish Martin and his wife Liberty bought a derelict 7.5 acre plot of land on the outskirts of Edinburgh, it was there they laid the roots of The Secret Herb Garden

The couples dream was to create a green space that allows people to wonder freely and enjoy the subtle magic that nature offers. The Secret Herb Garden has over 600 naturally grown and tended varieties of herbs.
As a Herbologist, Hamish spent his time experimenting with the botanicals he so carefully and lovingly nurtured. It was from this exploration into the botanicals that he discovered something that you can’t read about in books, the true magic of nature.
With this new found knowledge and his past in the drinks industry, Hamish created a range of 100% natural gins, using the botanicals he had grown in his own sacred space.
It was never the couples intention to create these gins but once they realised the intense flavour of their Lavender and the beautiful colour of their roses, they were unable to keep this secret to themselves.
So, in 2017, they released their range of Secret Garden Gins and now continue to create even more natural products using the botanicals grown in their very own Secret Herb Garden.